Jackson Michigan’s Senior High Resource List
Aware, 706 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson Michigan
Teen Club is a free and confidential domestic violence educational support group for teens runs Monday 3:00-4:30pm in the Carriage House.
For more information contact Angie McCreary at (517) 783-1638 x123 or visit http://www.awareshelter.org/events/
The Assembly, 140 East Cortland Ave. Jackson MI
or call (517) 782-8100
Bethel Baptist Church, 1691 Springport Rd., Jackson MI
Fusion Network is a small group mentoring program for senior high students to be involved in.
33 AD is a 7th-12th grade Sunday morning group that meets 9:30 to 10:30am. The focus is to apply basics of the Christian faith to our lives.
Sisterhood a mentoring and discipleship program where high school aged girls meet one on one by women from this church.
Cascades Baptist Church, 1012 W High St, Jackson, MI
Overflow Youth Ministries meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm.
Come hang out, build relationships, have fun, and relax!
For more info see http://www.cascadeschurch.com/min_teens.htm
or call (517) 782-9497
Cascades Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, 2390 W High St, Jackson, MI
T4 Youth Group meets Monday at 5:00 pm.
Their current focus is learning To Live for Christ.
Occasionally on other nights activities like movie nights, laser tag and roller skating.
For more info see http://www.cfellowship.org/programs.html or call (517) 784-9615
Cascades Wesleyan, 1404 Rowan St., Jackson MI.
The Pit indoor skate park is open Monday to Friday from 4:00 to 7:00pm. It costs $3 a person per time. The Pit Bible Study happens right after from 7:00-8:00pm.
The Pit Skate lessons are available Saturdays from 11:00am to 12:00pm for $3. Pads and helmets must be worn. For those taking lessons a practice is available from 12:00pm to 1:00pm following the Saturday lesson.
Student Ministries meets Wednesday from 4:00-4:30pm from 7th to 12th
grader in the Pit SK8 Park for Bible study and fun. Outside
activities and fundraisers are planned throughout the year.
to Tweens or teens that are looking for a place to belong.
Clark Lake Community Church, 9224 Hyde Rd Clarklake, MI
Youth group Sundays at 6pm
Discovery Zone Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30pm is a Bible study for all ages with a light meal. The meal starts at 5:30pm.
For more info call (517) 529-9359 or visit http://www.clarklakecommunitychurch.com/html/activities_and_announcements.html
City of Zion Ministries 1275 Wayne St., Jackson MI
Teen Ministry on Wednesdays starting at 7:00pm. Currently studying Building Big People.
Rides might be available.
For more info call (517) 789-7910 or visit http://cityofzionministries.com/contactus.html
Cornerstone Christian Church, 2395 W High St Jackson MI
or (517) 782-1774
First Baptist Church of Jackson, 201 South Jackson, Jackson, MI
First Church of the Nazarene, 3905 Clinton Rd. Jackson, MI
Safe House high school group meets Sundays 6:00-7:30. Activities include dinner, chilling, growing in faith, worship, friends, and dodge ball. Bring food to share if you can.
Please enter through the teen center doors located on the west side of the building.
For more information call (517) 782-7084 or contact Teresa by email at teresagarner@jaxnaz.com or visit the online calendar at http://www.jaxnaz.com/#/ministries/safehouse-9-12
First Presbyterian Church, 743 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson MI
First United Methodist Church, 275 W Michigan Ave, Jackson MI
From September to May, Youth Group meets Sundays from 6:00-8:00pm in the youth room. They do Michigan based mission trips.
Youth service on Sundays starts at 11am in the Lighthouse room for the junior high and in the youth room for high school.
For more info call Dawn Durr (517) 787-6460 or visit http://www.firstumcjackson.org/teensandkids
Father’s House, 730 Tomlinson St, Jackson MI
or call Marleen (517) 795-1894 or email fathershouseglobal@gmail.com
Dream Center, 730 Tomlinson St. Jackson MI
Ganton Street Baptist Church, 637 W Ganson St. Jackson MI
Grace Church, 2692 N Dettman Rd Jackson MI
or call (517) 789-6155
House of New Beginnings, 511 S Jackson St. Jackson MI
Offers services for homeless, runaway, and teen dating violence for ages 12 to 21.
They have a 24 hour emergency shelter and crisis intervention. They can offer assistance with emergency needs, safety planning, assistance to remove barriers to receive education, individual counseling, case management, life skills building, and healthy relationship education. There are ongoing parenting and education for teen mothers. And there will be new support groups starting in April 2013.
For more information call (517) 962-5081 or call toll free number at 1-866-271-1123
Jackson Free Methodist, 2829 Park Drive Jackson MI
Lansing Avenue Baptist Church, 4000 Lansing Ave, Jackson MI
Word of Life Club meets Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 with free time starting at 6:45pm. The Club’s weekly schedule includes free time, open gym, lesson and a snack.
Men’s Fundamental Basketball League can offer tryout to serious and dedicated players.
For more info see http://www.labcjackson.org/services.html or call
Tim Rowland at (517) 783-3676
Lily Missionary Baptist Church, 1117 W. G. Wade Drive, Jackson, MI.
The center has a teen transitional center with positive peer to peer interactions.
There are also college preparation workshops addressing ACT/SAT, FASFA & Scholarships.
For more information call (517) 783-6553 or visit the website at http://www.lilybaptist.org/Lily/activities.htm
Loomis Park Baptist Church, 2301 N Elm Ave # A, Jackson MI
Teen Sunday School is Sundays at 9:45am.
Teen group is Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
A Youth Rally is being held on May 18th, 2013. There will be games, skits and a speaker.
For more info visit http://loomisparkbaptistchurch.com/about-us/upcoming_events/
or call Youth Pastor Donald Sevigne (517) 782-3647
New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship, 14977 Harper Rd., Somerset, MI
Youth Group meets every Sunday afternoon from noon to 3:00pm.
The youth also meets Wednesdays at 7:00pm.
Bible studies and worship team
For more info visit www.njcf.net/youth.htm or call (517) 592-8888
North Sharon Baptist Church, 17999 Washburn Rd, Grass Lake MI
Salvation Army, 806 E. Pearl Street, Jackson MI
Open gym for youth 17 and under, is Monday and Tuesday nights from 6:00-8:00pm.
Monthly Friday family nights are
Computer lab open Monday through Friday from 6:00-7:00pm.
For more info visit http://sajackson.org/services/community-center/
or call Annie Quastad at (517) 782-7185
Spring Arbor Free Methodist Church, 120 E. Main St. Spring Arbor MI
in a fun safe environment. These gatherings are on Sundays from 6:00 to 7:45pm.
This class takes place Sunday’s at 10:15 to 11:00am in room 203.
Ministry team for leadership and discipleship training is available for 9th to 12th graders.
Cell groups provide deeper discipleship under the mentorship of caring adults.
For more info contact Heather at (517) 750-2400 or heather.castle@springarborfm.org
or visit http://www.springarborfm.org/connect/teen/
Sycamore Baptist Church, 142 Sycamore St. Jackson MI
or call (517) 764-1680
Trinity Lutheran Church, 122 W. Wesley St. Jackson MI
Youth discussion based services are Sundays at 9:00am.
There are also monthly activities.
For more information call Ann at (517) 784-3135 or visit http://trinitylutheranjackson.com
Trinity Wesleyan, 620 Robinson Road, Jackson MI
Liquid is Sunday mornings at 9:00am.
Senior High Rally is on Sundays 6:00 to 8:00pm.
Once a month on a Friday night is Zoan a time of fun and games.
Village Hope Church, 123 W. Porter Jackson MI
Youth group on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:45pm.
Other events are available but check this out first.
For more information call (517) 768-5004 or visit http://www.villagehopechurch.org/
West Winds, 1825 Spring Arbor Rd., Jackson, MI
The Hub offers multiple teen focused concerts a month for little or no cost.
High school hangout time is Thursdays 6:00-10:00. You can do homework,
play video games, listen to music, hang out with friends or play basketball.
with God. High school kids meet Sundays 6:30-8:00.
Hub Jackson on Facebook or call (517) 917-0485
Jackson Michigan’s
Junior High Resource List
Aware, 706 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson Michigan
Teen Club is a free and confidential domestic violence educational support group for teens runs Monday 3:00-4:30pm in the Carriage House.
For more information contact Angie McCreary at (517) 783-1638 x123 or visit http://www.awareshelter.org/events/
The Assembly, 140 East Cortland Ave. Jackson MI
call (517) 782-8100
Bethel Baptist Church, 1691 Springport Rd., Jackson MI
Grapple for 7th and 8th graders meets Wednesday nights during the school year. There are large and small group activities.
33 AD is a 7th-12th grade Sunday morning group that meets 9:30 to 10:30am. The focus is to apply basics of the Christian faith to our lives.
Cascades Baptist Church, 1012 W High St, Jackson, MI
Overflow Youth Ministries meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm.
Come hang out, build relationships, have fun, and relax!
For more info see http://www.cascadeschurch.com/min_teens.htm
or call (517) 782-9497
Cascades Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, 2390 W High St, Jackson, MI
T4 Youth Group meets Monday at 5:00 pm.
They are current focus is learning To Live for Christ.
Occasionally on other nights activities like movie nights, laser tag and roller skating.
For more info see http://www.cfellowship.org/programs.html or call (517) 784-9615
Cascades Wesleyan, 1404 Rowan St., Jackson MI.
The Pit indoor skate park is open Monday to Friday from 4:00 to 7:00pm. It costs $3 a person per time. The Pit Bible Study happens right after from 7:00-8:00pm.
The Pit Skate lessons are available Saturdays from 11:00am to 12:00pm for $3. Pads and helmets must be worn. For those taking lessons a practice is available from 12:00pm to 1:00pm following the Saturday lesson.
Student Ministries meets Wednesday from 4:00-4:30pm from 7 to 12th grader in the Pit SK8 Park for Bible study and fun.
Tweens Student Ministries 5th to 6th grade meets in the church 6:30-8:00pm.
Outside activities and fundraisers are planned throughout the year.
We accept all teens no matter what. We extend an invitation to tweens
or teens that are looking for a place to belong.
City of Zion Ministries 1275 Wayne St., Jackson MI.
Teen Ministry on Wednesdays starting at 7:00pm. Currently studying Building Big People.
Rides might be available.
For more info call (517) 789-7910 or visit http://cityofzionministries.com/contactus.html
Clark Lake Community Church, 9224 Hyde Rd Clarklake, MI
Youth group Sundays at 6pm
Discovery Zone Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30pm is a Bible study for all ages with a light meal. The meal starts at 5:30pm.
For more information call (517) 529-9359 or visit http://www.clarklakecommunitychurch.com/html/activities_and_announcements.html
Cornerstone Christian Church, 2395 W High St Jackson MI
or (517) 782-1774
Father’s House, 730 Tomlinson St, Jackson MI
or call Marleen (517) 795-1894 or email fathershouseglobal@gmail.com
Dream Center, 730 Tomlinson St. Jackson MI
Bee You Project starts March 18th 2013 and goes through May 1st, 2013.
Abstinence Program with Janelle at Health Department runs Mondays and Wednesdays 4:00-5:30. Girls and boys ages 12-13 are invited. There is a max of 20 kids. It will take place at the dream center.
They also have food prizes, arts and field trips.
For more information call (517) 768-1637 or email JBUCHLER@co.jackson.mi.us
First Baptist Church of Jackson, 201 South Jackson, Jackson, MI
First Church of the Nazarene, 3905 Clinton Rd. Jackson, MI
Lift middle school group is a class to explore the basics of Christianity: worshiping together, faith development, and reaching out to others. The group called Basics meets every 2nd and 3rd Wednesday at 6:30pm from November to April in the Chapel. Other events going on each Wednesday during the school year.
Note there is a $20 fee for Anti-workbook which is required for the Basic class.
Lift group Sundays is 11:15am to 12:15 in the Teen Center.
Please enter through the teen center doors located on the west side of the building.
For more information call (517) 782-7084 or contact Bryce by email at brycegernand@jaxnaz.com or visit the online calendar at http://www.jaxnaz.com/#/ministries/safehouse-9-12
First Presbyterian Church, 743 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson MI
Tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:30.
Youth group on Sundays from 6:30-8:00pm for 6-12th graders.
For more info Contact Jenni Whitford at (732) 784-9175 or http://www.jacksonfirstpres.com
First United Methodist Church, 275 W Michigan Ave, Jackson MI
From September to May, Youth Group meets Sundays from 6:00-8:00pm in the youth room. They do Michigan based mission trips.
Youth service on Sundays starts at 11am in the Lighthouse room for the junior high and in the youth room for high school.
For more info call (517) 787-6460 or visit http://www.firstumcjackson.org/teensandkids
Ganton Street Baptist Church, 637 W Ganson St. Jackson MI
Grace Church, 2692 N. Dettman Rd Jackson MI
call (517) 789-6155
House of New Beginnings, 511 S Jackson St. Jackson MI
Offers services for homeless, runaway, and teen dating violence for ages 12 to 21.
They have a 24 hour emergency shelter and crisis intervention. They can offer assistance with emergency needs, safety planning, to remove barriers to receive education, individual counseling, case management, life skills building, and healthy relationship education. There are ongoing parenting and education for teen mothers. And there will be new support groups starting in April 2013.
For more information call (517) 962-5081 or call toll free number at 1-866-271-1123
Jackson Free Methodist, 2829 Park Drive Jackson MI
Teen service is Sundays from 9:45- 11:00 am.
U-turn youth group for 6-8th graders Thursdays from 7:00-8:00. With free time activities a half hour before and after. Free time activities include free popcorn, play ping pong, shoot pool and basketball.
For more information contact Josh at (517) 358-6739
Lansing Avenue Baptist Church, 4000 Lansing Ave, Jackson MI
Word of Life Club meets Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 with free time starting at 6:45pm.
The Club’s weekly schedule includes free time, open gym, lesson and a snack.
Bus transportation may be available.
Lily Missionary Baptist Church, 1117 W. G. Wade Drive, Jackson, MI.
After school programs and summer reading programs for ages 5 to 14.
The center has a teen transitional center with positive peer to peer interactions.
For more information call (517) 783-6553 or visit the website at http://www.lilybaptist.org/Lily/activities.htm
Loomis Park Baptist Church, 2301 N Elm Ave # A, Jackson MI
Teen Sunday School is Sundays at 9:45am for 7th graders and older.
Teen group is Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
A Youth Rally is being held on May 18th, 2013. There will be games, skits and a speaker.
For more info visit http://loomisparkbaptistchurch.com/about-us/upcoming_events/
or call Youth Pastor Donald Sevigne (517) 782-3647
New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship, 14977 Harper Rd., Somerset, MI
Youth Group meets every Sunday afternoon from noon to 3:00pm.
The youth also meets Wednesdays at 7:00pm.
Bible studies and worship team
For more info visit www.njcf.net/youth.htm or call (517) 592-8888
North Sharon Baptist Church, 17999 Washburn Rd, Grass Lake MI
Salvation Army, 806 E. Pearl Street, Jackson MI
Open gym for youth 17 and under, Monday and Tuesday nights from 6:00-8:00pm
Monthly family nights on Fridays but kids must be accompanied by an adult.
Computer lab is open Monday through Friday from 6:00-7:00pm.
For more info visit http://sajackson.org/services/community-center/
or call Annie Quastad at (517)782-7185
Spring Arbor Free Methodist Church, 120 E. Main St. Spring Arbor MI
Wildfire youth group for 5th and 6th graders runs Wednesdays at 6:30 in room CFC.
The Edge group for 7th and 8th graders meets Sundays from 6:00 to 7:45pm in the chapel.
Sunday morning class called Rooted is 10:15 to 11:00am.
There is discipleship training for 8th graders.
Same gender cell groups which start from 7th grade and continue until high school graduation. These groups are intended to help each other along in our journeys.
For more information call April at (517) 750-2400 or visit http://www.springarborfm.org/connect/teen/
Sycamore Baptist Church, 142 Sycamore St. Jackson MI
or call (517) 764-1680
Trinity Lutheran Church, 122 W. Wesley St. Jackson MI
Junior High Youth get together Fridays at 6:30pm.
Youth discussion based services are Sundays at 9:00am.
There are also monthly activities.
For more information call Ann at (517) 784-3135 or visit http://trinitylutheranjackson.com
Trinity Wesleyan, 620 Robinson Road, Jackson Michigan
Liquid Group meets Sunday mornings at 9am.
Junior High Rally is on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
Once a month on a Friday night is Zoan a time of fun and games.
For more info visit http://www.trinitywesleyanchurch.com/journey-ministries/?view=mobile or call Pastor Andy at (517) 750-2654
Village Hope Church, 123 W. Porter Jackson MI
Youth group on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:45pm.
Other events are available but check this out first.
For more information call (517) 768-5004 or visit http://www.villagehopechurch.org
West Winds, 1825 Spring Arbor Rd., Jackson, MI
The Hub offers multiple teen focused concerts a month for little or no cost.
High school hangout time is Thursdays 6:00-10:00pm. You can do homework, play video games, listen to music, hang out with friends or play basketball.
Student Journey helps teens answer question and explore their relationship with God. High school kids meet Sundays 6:30-8:00pm.
Middle School kids can hang out Saturdays from 6:00-10:00pm. You can play video games, hang out with friends, eat pizza, or play basketball.
Student Journey helps teens answer question and explore their relationship with God. Junior High kids meet 5:00-6:30 with hangout time starting at 4:30pm.
For more information visit http://hubjackson.org/hours/ , search for the Hub Jackson on Facebook or call (517) 917-0485